Magic Carpet of Films:
A Personal
Journey in the Motion Picture Industry 1916-2000
Introduction | Testimonials | Order
"When Micky offers a ride on his personal magic carpet
of films, I'd say that it's definitely a ride worth taking. He's seen
cinema unfold from its humble beginnings and I can hardly imagine
a better tour guide through the storied history of movie magic."
- George Lucas, Producer/Director
"Micky Moore was always more than a second unit director. He
was a movie maker with an historic perspective and deep respect for
American film." - Steven Spielberg,
Producer/Director "One of the unheralded heroes
of the picture business. Micky Moore has covered virtually the entire
history of the movies, from a child actor in silents and a spell as
De Mille's assistant, to second unit director on Patton and
Indiana Jones. You can just imagine how packed with incident
his book is!" - Kevin Brownlow,
Film Historian "As a mentor, friend and master moviemaker,
Micky has taken us on a journey of more than four decades of enthralling
adventures. It is such a pleasure to share them again and have these
memories to cherish forever." - Frank
Marshall and Kathleen Kennedy, Producers |
now! |